10 tips for healthy diet

10 tips for healthy diet

10 tips for healthy diet

(1) Why you need healthy foods ?

We are responsible for our own health. We are what we eat.

You need a balanced diet that provides all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fibre and fat to maintain our health and wellbeing. It helps the body grow, repair, and regenerate cells; function efficiently and fight off infection. That is why we should choose the best foods possible for the purpose-foods that are rich in nutrients and have been linked with specific health benefits.

(2) What are health boosting foods?

Ongoing research studies and scientific analysis have demonstrated the specific health benefits of certain foods. for example cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cabbage have been strongly linked with a decreased risk of cancer, while oily fish is to help protect against heart disease.

These foods work in various ways depending on their specific composition of nutrients and phytonutrients(chemicals derived from plants). Many contain antioxidants, beneficial nutrients that help protect against infections and diseases and slow down the ageing processes in the body.

Besides promoting good general health, some of the health-boosting foods are particularly important for tackling specific conditions, for example insomnia, and high blood pressure. Some are very important for people who are stressed. Others make you look better improving the appearance of skin and complexation. And some are strengthening teeth and nails.

(3) Boosting your wellbeing

You don’t need to become obsessive about your health. But If you know which foods are health-boosters then you can make choices. Regularly eating health-boosting foods that provide good quality fuel for your body. It can make you feel good from within and more optimistic in general. It will also give you more energy, and take away the sluggishness caused by too much junk food.

(4) The importance of good nutrition?

The importance of good nutrition is at all stages of our lives that cannot be neglected. It lies at the very heart of good health since the cells in our bodies, essentially the body’s building blocks, rely on a good supply of nutrients in the diet to create and continually renew all the tissue and organs in the body.

The essential nutrients required by our bodies are carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre. Without the vital nutrients cellular health, and therefore general health, is adversely affected as cells that function inefficiently result in low energy levels, premature ageing and disease.

(5) Why you need to eat variety of food

There is no one food that provides all the nutrients our bodies need. However nutrient rich it may be, eating loads of just one type of food is rarely food for us. You need to eat wide variety of foods, from all of the main food groups, so as to benefit from all of the different nutrients available. In addition, different nutrients tend to interact and work in synergy. For example Vitamin C and E actually work together to make each other more effective. Vitamin C recycles vitamin E, allowing it to carry on working longer.

(6) What you eat has a huge impact on your health

What you eat has a huge impact on your health. It affects the way that you feel and look, how much energy you have and how healthy you are overall, not only now but it affects lifelong too. It will affect your current as well as future health.

A poor diet and therefore poor cell function will affect your future health. You should not ignore this aspects because thanks largely to modern medicine and improvements in hygiene, most of us can expect to enjoy much longer life spans than earlier generations. Since we are likely to live longer let’s enjoy those years in as good health as possible. We need to do all we possibly can to protect ourselves from the physical consequences of ageing. In practice this means looking at what we eat and drink and evaluating how our diets could be changed to meet our bodies need now and in the future.

(7) What is healthy balance diet

A healthy diet is primarily about balance. Our bodies need certain amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre in order to function effectively. And by eating sensibly, we can easily achieve. With busy lifestyles and stressful jobs, it is all too easy to neglect our diets. But bear in mind that a balanced diet will boost health energy and vitality and doesn’t necessarily mean hours of preparation and cooking.

The simplest way to ensure you are eating a nutritionally sound diet is to eat a wide variety of foods and to think of foods intake in term of a plate containing food groups in variety proportions. Although many foods contain all the various different nutrients to some extent.

(8) The Food pyramid

 (1) 30%  Protein such as meat, fish, pulses, nuts, paneer, tofu, milk, dairy product including fat available in it. (2) 30 %  fruits and vegetables (3) 40% carbohydrates such as rice items , wheat flour items, (4) Very small quantity of oil.

(9) Correct Balance

Healthy eating does not mean cutting out treats completely, it simply means achieving the correct balance in your diet, being aware of the food that you eat and following a few simple guidelines.

(10) Importance of fiber food in our health

Fiber is one of those catch-all terms, in this case used to described plant materials that can’t be digested by the body. Most fiber comes from the tougher parts of plants, including stems, roots, seeds, and leaves. The primary component of most fibrous compound is cellulose. Fiber passes through the gastrointestinal track mostly undigested until it reaches the large intestine., where it helps to form stool and maintain regularity. Dietary fiber plays an important role in the prevention of many diseases, including colon cancer. A high fiber diet has also been proven to help people lose weight. Since the fiber takes longer time to move through the digestive system, you feel satisfied longer and thus do not overeat. As well, soluble fiber fills up with water and makes you feel full.

For superior health, people should get 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day. The best source of fiber includes whole grain, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and beans. This is yet another reason to avoid processed foods.

(11) Top Tips for healthy eating

(1) Eat variety of foods

(2) Maintain a healthy weight

(3) Eat fruits and vegetables and food rich in fibre every day.

(4) Choose food that are low in fat.

(5) Reduce salt and sugar in cooking and at table.

(6) Eat small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day rather than eating two or three large meals.

(7) Eat only when you are hungry

1.10 tips for healthy diet

2. 10 tips for healthy diet

3. 10 tips for healthy diet

4. 10 tips for healthy diet

5. 10 tips for healthy diet


Fitness and Health Consultant ,

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