11 Benefits of regular physical activity

11 Benefits of regular physical activity

11 Benefits of regular physical activity

(1) Burns calories very fast.

Running is the fastest way to burn calories as well as fat. Also there are so many other physical activity like walking, Zumba, sports, swimming help to burn calories as well as fat accordingly. Also for better result you have to follow healthy diet. We should burn our some calories by doing exercise like walking or any exercise.

(2) Healthy and stronger bones and muscle.

Regular practicing of any type of physical activity is involved weight bearing activities. Because of that it helps bones and muscle to be healthier and stronger for life long. Also for better result you have to give proper periodic rest of muscle and bones.

(3) Maintain a healthy weight.

Regular practicing of any of the physical activity like Running, dancing, sports, walking help to maintain proper healthy body weight. So if you want to reduce or gain your weight you can start doing physical activity regularly to get a good result. Also you have to follow the healthy diet to get better result.

(4) Good for old age

Regular practicing of any type of physical activity like walking, running, sports keep your body fit and healthy. So it help your body mobility freely in your old age also. It means that you can move freely in your old age .

(5) Longer Healthy life

Regular practicing of any type of physical activity like walking, running and sports help to be healthy and fit for life long. So regular exercise is the key factor for a longer healthy life. Also balance diet is recommended.

(6) Boost your mood

Regular practicing of any type of physical activity like walking, running, swimming, Zumba, sports, dancing help to boost your mood happy . Also keep you active and energetic all the day.

(7) Good sleep

Regular physical activity like walking, running, Zumba, swimming, dancing, sports help you to get good sleep. Because body need rest . This is one of the best benefit from regular exercise. Also good sleep is the key factor for healthy and fit life for life long.

(8) Reduce your health risk

Regular physical activity help to keep your body and mind fit and active and healthy everyday. Also for life long. This way it reduces your health risk. Also for better result need to follow healthy diet.

(9) Stronger and healthier joints.

Regular physical activity involves your joints movement . It helps your joints active and healthy and stronger for life long. Also reduce chances to get joints related injury and disease.

(10) Improve your quality of daily life.

Regular physical activity keep you active and fit. This will help you to enjoy doing all the daily routine work for everyday life. Also you can enjoy other things like traveling and driving cars and driving bike. Also you can meet and have fun with friends and your family. This way your age will not be any problem for your life to enjoy for life long.

(11) Weight loss

Like doing cardio for 30 – 45 minutes first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Cardio at this time will naturally boost your aerobic capacity and will also take advantage of a critical window for fat loss. When you wake up, your glycogen and blood sugar levels are depleted, so the fuel you use for energy will be mostly from fat stores.

Tips for doing exercise


For healthy life stretching is very important like exercise. Most of us know that stretching helps warm up muscles and is a great way to improve flexibility, but stretching is also an excellent way to reduce soreness. Stretching a muscle during or after a exercise increases the transport of nutrients to the area and speeds up the removal of waste products. more nutrients and less metabolic waste helps quicken the body’s repair processes.


For a healthy life a final recommendation is to try massage. Athletes should do massage to speed recovery and reduce post -exercise soreness. A good massage therapist used different techniques to help remove metabolic waste products from the body and increase oxygen delivery to the area.

Wear the proper exercise attire

Any type of exercise you are going to do you should wear a good sports shoes that will help you to prevent injury in legs. Many exercise will place a great deal of stress on your ankle and you will need solid support to protect the small muscles and bones. Wear a light t-shirt and shorts in summer seasons and if winter than can wear cold jacket according to cold.

Always Warm Up

Always do 10 to 15 minutes warm up before start your main exercise. A good warmup will increase your heart rate, produce a light sweat, increase your body temperature, and loosen up the muscles.  Always do full body warm up because your heart and lungs play a major role, and you want them operating at peak efficiency.

Rest and sleep is very important

Sleep plays a vital role in the recovery process. Contrary to popular belief, our body do not grow during the exercise. Rather, recovery, and thus growth, takes place after you finish exercising and during sleep in particular. Sleep is such a vital component of health that humans spend about a third of their lives unconscious. Don’t expect to maximize your health improvement if you regularly stay out until three in the morning. Sure the occasional Friday or Saturday night out is fine, but you will not recover ( and thus grow ) if you continually try to get by on three or four hours a nigh.

If you stop exercising will muscle turns to fat?

Out of all the false statements linked to exercise, this is probably the most persistent. Muscle cannot turn into fat any more than fat can turn into muscle. They are two completely different biological entities. Muscle is healthy, vibrant, living tissue, and in general the more of it you have, the healthier you are overall. Fat, however, merely sits there as a stored source of energy in case one day the food supply is cut off. If not burnt, the storage piles just get larger.

Off course, some bodybuilders and other strength athletes do gain weight as they get older or stop training. As we age, or as we lose muscle when we stop training, our metabolisms slow down, and we don’t need as many calories to survive. Unfortunately, many do not adjust their caloric intakes accordingly. The end result is a build-up of fat, as it would be with anyone who consume more food than their body needs. Football players and powerlifters are famous for this. During their competitive years, their huge appetites match their high- energy workouts. Unfortunately, when they retire, they neglect to alter their diet, so excess calories get deposited around the midsection.

1.11 Benefits of regular physical activity

2.11 Benefits of regular physical activity

3. 11 Benefits of regular physical activity

4.11 Benefits of regular physical activity

5. 11 Benefits of regular physical activity

6.11 Benefits of regular physical activity

7.11 Benefits of regular physical activity


Fitness and Health Consultant ,

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