2 tips how to lose weight fast

2 tips how to lose weight fast

2 Tips how to lose weight fast

2 Tips how to lose weight fast

You can maintain healthy body weight even you are more than 70 years old with

Healthy body means having healthy body weight and internal and body parts are healthy. Internal parts like kidney, liver, lungs, heart and all glands and external parts like skin, joints, working perfectly.

Healthy body depend 80% on food habit and 20% life style like sleep, whole day activities, exercise. Just follow the below tips with your regular life with small changes in food habit and life style. Its not one day work or 1 week. Keeping your body healthy is life long process.

You have to burn calorie more than your intake through food. Daily maximum excess calorie burn 500 calorie is safe for health, example is if you took 2000 calorie in a day then you can burn 2500 calorie in the same day. So calorie excess burn is 500. You can burn calorie doing regular exercise 5 to 6 days a week and 1 to 2 hours daily. Exercise can be anything like gym work out, yoga, walking, running, swimming, Zumba, cycling.

(A) Balance diet-Healthy food

  1. Calorie intake should be less than calorie burn to reduce body weight and body fat. But its very difficult to calculate everyday how much calorie eating and how much calorie burning a day. So, there is not requirement for any calculation. You just follow the instructions to reduce body fat.
  2. If you are eating more than require then educe quantity of food. If you eat more then calorie intake will be more. So try to get less calorie in your body. Actually, body does not require more food. Eating more food is only your bad habit. We need to eat only less amount of food fulfilling all nutrition required for the body.
  3. Breakfast- you can eat for breakfast oats, fruits, any items made by whole wheat flour, and any vegetable, and brown rice. Do not eat any type oily food in your breakfast.
  4. Lunch- You can eat for your lunch any items made by whole wheat flour, and any vegetable, and brown rice, any meat, eggs, fish. Vegetable item must be there in lunch.
  5. Dinner – You can eat for your lunch any items made by whole wheat flour, and any vegetable, and brown rice. Do not eat any meat, fish, egg.
  6. Snacks -coconut meat (do not warm, do not heat, do not fry) , do not eat too much coconut in a day. Just eat small quantity of coconut in a day because it contains fat. Dates, fruits, walnut, almonds, pumpkin seed, chia seed, sunflower seed, flex seed, all seeds you can keep in water for few hours and then can eat. Do not make fry or roasted.
  7. Fruits- always eat fruits in empty stomach. Do not eat with lunch and dinner and after lunch or dinner. You can eat after 3 hours of lunch or with breakfast in morning or with snacks.
  8. Stop eating kidney beans, chickpeas, black chickpeas as dinner and lunch for few months to reduce your body fat. Those food are very healthy but you can eat only as snacks not with main meal.
  9. Stop eating all animal milk and milk products like milk, yogurt, paneer, ghee, butter, cheese because they have too much of bad fat.
  10. Try to eat your dinner at 8:00 pm.
  11. There should be 12 to 16 hours gap between your dinner and breakfast.
  12. Stop eating white sugar permanently for life time and its products. Avoid all sweet item, cake, soft drinks, packed fruits juice, ice cream. Because it gets huge quantity of calorie very fast in our body and stored as fat in our body.
  13. Stop eating all items made by wheat flour (Maida) -cookies, biscuits, momo, noodle, tandoori ruti, nun, rumali ruti,  egg roll, samosa , burger, white bread , Pizza, – it get huge quantity of calorie very fast in our body and stored as fat in our body.
  14. Avoid packet and process food like sausage, all type of chips.
  15. Avoid fried food like French fries, fried chicken, any type of fried items.  and try not to use oil. If not possible then try to use very less oil.  because how much fat you will eat you will have fat stored in your body.
  16. Eat whole fruits do not eat fruit juice. Fruit juice does not  have fiver so it get fat in your body because it get huge quantity of calorie very fast in our body and stored as fat in our body.
  17. Eat less quantity food at a time because if you eat more at a time body gets more calorie at a time and that is not possible to burn  if you are sitting in a place so calorie become fat and stored in body. So eat small quantity of food in every 3 hours.
  18. Eat slowly with maximum number of chewing.
  19. Drink water throughout the day whenever you feel thirsty.
  20. Try to maintain this for whole life but at least until your body weight become healthy. This is the best healthy food for your healthy body. Once your body weight become healthy and if you like to eat all unhealthy then do not eat unhealthy food regularly. You can eat unhealthy food occasionally if you like it too much.

B. Healthy lifestyle.

1 Everyday walking, running, gym, any sports any one of them daily 1 hours in morning and 1 hour in evening.
2. Sleeping 7 to 8 hours everyday.
3. To keep your active use staircase in your home and office. Don’t use lift.   This will burn your calories while you are doing your job.
4. Go for market by walking and avoid bike and car. So you can reduce your calorie while you are doing your work.
5. if your work is sitting all the day then get up and walk for 1 minutes in every 30 minutes. Do not sit continuously more than 30 minutes.
6. If you are free at day time then go to shopping mall and walk around for 2 to 3 hours even you don’t want to do shopping but just roam around to burn your calories.
7. First day you measure your body weight and write down. Then start flowing the tips and measure body weight once in a week. Keep all record of your body weight and how you are feeling. Do not check body weight every day. Once your body weight become healthy then you can eat what ever you like most but keep in mind that don’t eat unhealthy food regular basis. As much as you can avoid its better for your health.

1. 2 tips how to lose weight fast

1. 2 tips how to lose weight fast

3. 2 tips how to lose weight fast


Fitness and Health Consultant ,

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