6 Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

6 Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

6 Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

(1) Physical Exercise regularly

Regular physical exercise is the key factor to be healthy for life long. So the list of physical exercises are like Yoga, Gym workout, walking, running, swimming, dancing, Zumba, playing any sports is very effective to stay healthy. So doing regular basis at least any one of them is good. And 5 to 6 days a week is ok. And regular practicing of any of the physical activity like running, dancing, sports, walking help to maintain proper healthy body weight.

Meditation is the natural tools to relaxing your body and mind.

Easiest exercise is walking so you can walk any time any where inside your home or outside. Even when you are going for shopping in mall or market and you are walking there, this is also you are doing exercise.

What ever you want to do your regular exercise you should plan it to your nearest place so that you will not lose your interest and it will be easy for your convenience.

Benefits of regular exercise

(1) Burn calories very fast (2) Healthy and stronger bone and muscles (3) Maintain a healthy weight (4) Healthy body in old age (5) Longer healthy life (6) Boost your mood (7) Good sleep (8) Reduce your health risk (9) Stronger and healthier joints (10) Improve healing mechanism (11) Maximize your healing potential (12) Increase spinal flexibility (13) Improve respiratory system (14) Improve cardiovascular system (15) Improve endocrine system (16) Improve nervous system (17) Improve flexibility and strength (18) Make calm and control (19) Can deal with stress and anxiety (20) Acquire a more reality based perspective (21) Relaxing your body and mine (22) Custom body and good looking physique (23) Vascularity (24) High energy level (25) Condition your muscle (26) Quick metabolism (27) Positive mental attitude (28) Good blood circulation to whole body (29) Muscle separation (30) Symmetry balance and proportion body.

(2) Healthy food /Balance diet

You need a balanced diet. And that provides all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrates, fibre and fat. Also this is required to maintain our health and wellbeing. And It helps the body grow, repair, regenerate cells. This way function efficiently and fight off infection.

What you eat has a huge impact on your health. it affects the way that you feel and look, how much energy you have and how healthy you are overall, not only now but longer term, too. a poor diet and therefore poor cell function will affect your future health.

There is no one food that provide all the nutrients our bodies need. so we need to eat a wide variety of foods, from all the main food groups.

Correct Balance- Healthy eating does not mean cutting out treats completely. It simply means achieving the correct balance in your diet. Being aware of the food that you eat and following a few simple guidelines.

Try to avoid processed, refined and packed food.

Eat fruits and vegetables and food rich in fibre every day.

Eat small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day and avoid eating two or three large meals.

(3) Good Sleep

Everyday 7 to 9 hours sleeping is very very important for a healthy and happy life. Sleeping time is for age group more than 22 years. And one time 7 to 9 hours sleeping is better. Also it reduce your stress and improve your mood. And good sleep help to maintain healthy weight.

Benefits of healthy sleep

(1) Health recovery process-Sleep plays a vital role in the recovery process. (2) Stress hormones neutralize during sleep. (3) Body growth. (4) Maintain body weight.(5) Improve concentration and productivity. (6) Improve athletic performance. (7) May strengthen your heart health. (8) Support a healthy immune system. (9) Improve metabolism system.

(4) Drinking of water

In many respects, water is probably the most important single nutrient. You could live for only a few days at most without water. Water is major component of every cell and makes up about two third of the mass of the human body. It forms most of the volume of human blood, server as the medium for virtually all chemical reactions, is essential for digestion, helps regulate body heat and plays a major role in waste excretion.

A typical person will lose about two liters of water everyday through waste excretion and sweating -more if involve in intense exercise or working outdoors in hot weather. It’s for this reason that water should be consumed on a regular basis. Start with six to eight glasses a day and more when needed. During a typical exercise you should try to sip of water in every 10 minutes.

(5) Travelling places

Benefits of traveling

New experience– if you go new places, you can feel, enjoy and experience the new things like food, drinks, language, culture, lifestyle, history, scenery, weather, climate, people, animals, trees, music, Government policy.

Relax your body and mind– Traveling is different from everyday routine life so you will get your body relax as well as mind. This way you will get refresh and recharge for your daily routine work.

Relieves stress and anxiety-Traveling is the different activities from the daily routine life and there are so many excitements to experience and feel each thing. This way relieves your stress and anxiety.

Health benefit- Traveling involves physical movement for most of the time in a day so it’s a great exercise with fun and exciting. Naturally there is health benefits from exercise.

Fresh natural air- You will get natural fresh air if you travel to rural areas or any place other than very crowded city.

Boost your confidence– Traveling required so many activities and need in detail planning like flight, train, bus, taxi, hotel booking, VISA requirement, currency requirement, planning for site visit so there are so many challenges to face while traveling and you overcome all the challenges with fun and excitement hence travelling boost your confidence.

Increase your knowledge– You will feel and realize the creation of the world is how beautiful and different in each place. If you start traveling you will get more and more interested to see and feel the beauty of the world.

Precious Memory- Traveling is the precious memory for lifetime to share with your friend and family and you and you will feel great to see your old travel picture and video.

(6) Fun with friends and family

Spending quality time with friend and family will make you happy. So this is very important to have fun and enjoy the time with friends and family.

6 Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

2. 6 Tips for Healthy Lifestyle

6 Tips for Healthy Lifestyle


Fitness and Health Consultant ,

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