10 Benefits of yoga in daily life

10 Benefits of yoga in daily life

10 Benefits of yoga in daily life

Yoga has become a highly respected and trusted discipline, not only by lay persons, but also increasingly by doctor and other health professionals. In fact it forms the basis of many stress -reduction and health promotion programs.

(1) Improve Healing Mechanisms

The healing system is composed of all the body’s system (such as the immune and nervous system). And also of physiological components such as our mind and our breath. When treatments works (such as those prescribe by a doctor). It is because they activate the healing mechanism that are within us. So if you are doing yoga regularly then all the systems are remain active. That is why regular yoga keeps your healing mechanism active. And keep it for life long. So benefits of yoga is for healthy life as well as good healing system.

(2) Maximize your healing potential

Regular yoga practice trains you to breathe efficiently. Because of this with minimum effort for maximum oxygen intake. That is why when ill health occurs. And this skill will enable you to maximize your healing potential. And this will work for life long if you do yoga regularly.

(3) Increase Spinal flexibility

Regular yoga practice can increase spinal flexibility. Because of this you can lead reduction of pain and other discomfort. And proper yoga posture to get better result. And spinal is one of the important parts of the body strength. So you can start yoga to improve your spinal health.

(4) Improve joints flexibility and joints health

Regular yoga practice improve blood circulation. Also joints move freely and lose their stiffness. And this way improve joints flexibility. Also reduce to get chances of injury and dieses related to joints. And joints good health is very important for old age.

(5) Improve respiratory system

Respiratory system provide oxygen. And which is required for the body’s metabolic needs. Also to remove carbon dioxide from the tissues. So this way regular yoga practice improves your respiratory system. And this way body is protected from agents of disease.

(6) Flexibility and strength

Regular yoga practice Involves movement and stretching of all muscle . So this way improve your body’s flexibility and strength. And body flexibility and strength is very important. And it is required in daily life as well as life long.

(7) Calm & control

The synchronized breathing is the best way of doing yoga. And its required in the execution of all the yoga practice. And this ensures good oxygen delivery to the working muscles. So the full focusing of attention on the performance of the yoga practice reduce tension on the nervous system. Because of this leading to a sense of calm and control. Also it will work for life long.

(8) Dealing with stress and anxiety

Regular yoga practice trains you in acquiring and sharpening skills in voluntary attentive respiration. Also to help you to exert a measure of control over a function once thought to be involuntary only. And this is highly empowering. And It will equip you to deal with a wide variety of stressors. Also deal with pain and anxiety. So yoga is really helpful. Also to reduce stress and anxiety.

(9) Meditation is a natural tool for relaxing your mind

Meditation practices help to keep you in the present. And cause of states such as anxiety and depression which represent concerns about past and future events. That is why meditative practices help you to acquire a more reality-based perspective. So its a natural tools for relaxing your mind. And its really affect your mind. And if you do it regular basis.

(10) Healthy & quality of life for life long

Regular yoga practice improves your health and quality of everyday life. Also improves your health for life long. So you can start yoga to have a healthy and quality life for life long. So you can enjoy your life. And you can enjoy your daily routine work. And you can enjoy your hobbies too.

How your body work for healing?

When there is any damage in your body. Healing follows a predictable course that may divide into four phases (1) vascular response (2) inflammation (3) proliferation (4) reconstruction. Within seconds of an injury. The body begins the first of these phases to control bleeding and limit the spread of infection. Blood vessels constrict, clotting begins and various protective and healing processes set in motion. The other three phases follow the first in a beautifully synchronized fashion. Until the structure and function of the damaged tissues repair and restore. And the equilibrium of the healing system re-establish.

Yoga divided for convenience into five parts.

Those are (1) asanas (2) pranayama (3) Meditative practice (4) Relaxation Practice (5) cleansing Practice.


Generally regarded as physical exercise. Yoga asanas are more accurately poses , comfortably held. They involve movement of series of movements by which muscle groups are put into action and energized. The manner in which this is done is economical. High levels of physical performance can achieve with a minimal expenditure of energy.

Each asana involves the contraction of some muscle groups and the relaxation of their opposing muscles. Done slowly and with control. It heightens one’s awareness of faulty posture habits and unnecessary muscle tensions.


Exercises in voluntary breath control are collectively referred to as pranayama. They take advantage of the fact that the respiratory (breathing ) system is the only body system that is both involuntary and voluntary.

Meditative practice

Simply put when you are asleep or consciousness fades. Oxygen consumption decrease and the heart rate become slower. When you are awake by contrast you are usually alert, oxygen consumption increases and your heart rate quickens. These opposite state are united during meditation. So that although you become deeply relaxed. You are nevertheless conscious and your mind is clear. A sense of peace ensures.

Relaxation Practice

Relaxation is perhaps the most important prerequisite for healing any disorder. The muscles covering your body’s bony framework ( skeletal muscles) are rarely in a state of complete rest. They always retain a certain variable degree of tension. This is known as basal tension or muscular tune.

Cleansing practice

Our body has the ability to eliminate various toxins through its excretory organs. These include the urinary bladder and the kidney, the colon, lungs and skin. The lachrymal (tear) ducts of the eyes also have excretory features. And when infected they can develop cysts and tumors.

1.10 Benefits of yoga in daily life

2. 10 Benefits of yoga in daily life

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5. 10 Benefits of yoga in daily life

6. 10 Benefits of yoga in daily life


Fitness and Health Consultant ,

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