Protein requirement per day

Protein requirement per day

Protein requirement per day

The primary nutrients found in food are protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fibre, and water. Through the vast majority of foods contain several of these nutrients, very few foods contain them all. And virtually no food contains them all in ample quantities. This is why you must consume a wide variety of food. And that’s why nutritionists keep talking about well-balanced diet.

What is proteins?

Proteins are the basic building blocks that are found in all cells in our bodies. They make up the structure of the cells as well as the elements inside. Including enzyme and hormones. These structural elements are constantly being worn out so they need to be replaced by new proteins from our food.

Which foods are protein source?

Proteins found mainly in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, grains, beans, peas, lentils, and soya products are made up of chains of amino acids.

How protein works in our body?

These are about 20 different amino acids. And the order in which linked in the chains depends on the type of protein they are making. Be it a grain of wheat or muscle tissue in a chicken. When we digest and absorb these foods. The chains broken down into the individual amino acids. Our bodies then build up new chain with the amino acids in the right order to form different parts of the human body. Such as hair, muscle, or a hormone.

Vegetable protein versus animal protein

Protein from vegetable source such as grains, beans have less protein per unit weight than animal protein source such as meat, egg, milk products. But vegetable protein is healthier option because contains more fibre and less fat than animal protein.

Protein sources can also be classified based on their amino acid makeup. Animal sources contain all the amino acids and are termed complete. Most plant sources deficient in one or more of amino acids and called incomplete. This is why vegetarians must consume a wide range of plant sources to obtain all the amino acids in sufficient quantities

Why do we need proteins?

The human body can manufacture 11 of the 20 amino acids, the others must be supplied completely by your diet. Failure to obtain even one of these, essential amino acid, can lead to degradation of the body’s protein-based tissue, including organs, muscles, and enzymes. And unlike fat and carbohydrates, the human body does not store excess amino acids for later use. They must be consumed in our food every day.

The essential amino acids are phenylamine, valine, threonine, tryptophan, isoleucine, methionine, histidine, leucine, and lysine. In addition the amino acids arginine, cysteine, glycine, glutamine, tyrosine   are all consider conditionally essential amino acids. Our body create them.

Every cell in our bodies is partly composed of protein. We need adequate supplies of protein to build cells and for the existing cells to go through their continuous process of growing and replacing themselves. We need to eat protein every day because our bodies can’t store it-you cannot stock up on protein by eating large amount of it once a week. As well as their role as building blocks, proteins, like carbohydrates supply us with energy to fuel our bodies.

Our body create essential amino acids but under certain circumstances. Such as during times of stress or healing. We cannot create enough. Remember that exercising puts our bodies in a constant state of repair. So we need to make sure we get enough of these conditionally essential amino acids.

The amino acids that can be synthesized by the body are considered nonessential amino acid.

Beside building muscles, protein used as a structural component in red blood cells, antibodies, and hormones.

How much protein you should eat in a day?

For many years nutritionists and other interested parties have debated the amount of protein humans body require. The current DRI (Dietary Reference Intake) is 0.8 grams per kilo gram of body weight per day for a normal person. Different sports person is taking different quantity of protein per day that is as per their special requirement. There is different for high intensity sports and bodybuilders.

Is too much protein dangerous?

Excess protein places tremendous stress on the liver and kidneys. Because these organs need to work overtime to filter and excrete the waste products generated by protein metabolism. There is no question that individuals who consume excess protein will need to take in a lot of extra water to help digest it and wash away any extra protein circulating in the blood. But if you consume enough water. You should not have a problem in this regard.

Unless you have a pre-existing medical condition that limit your protein consumption, many researchers confirmed to keeping your protein intake somewhere in the 0.8 to 1 gram per kg bodyweight. It has work for million of others so you also can follow the same.

Six meals are better than three

To allow your body to absorb and use all the calories you ingest. You must reduce your meal size. But increase your meal frequency. Dividing your calories into smaller. More frequent portions allows the food to be absorbed and utilized more efficiently. If you are one of those “skip breakfast, eat small lunch, and super dinner” type, stop right now. Try to eat six small meals spread out evenly during the day. Every 3 hours eat something small, but nutritious. This ensure that your body always has nutrients on hand for repair and growth. You should make sure to have some short of protein at every meal.

Structure of protein

Proteins are extremely large molecules made up of smaller subunits called polypeptide chains. Polypeptide chains in turn are made up of even smaller units called amino acids. Structurally amino acids contain both a carboxyl (acid) group (COOH). And an amino group (NH2)attached to a central carbon atom. Normally a hydrocarbon. A hydrogen atom and another side group will also be attached to the carbon atom. There are approximately 20 amino acids in the human body that make up protein (although some biochemists suggest anywhere from 22 to 26 )  . Beside building muscles, protein is used as a structural component in red blood cells, antibodies, and hormones.

Complete and incomplete protein

When you blend several protein foods. The biological pattern of the amino acid content is boosted. Its comparable to the strong man who helps the weak one. Together they can accomplish efforts that singly might be difficult. The weaker amino acid of one food become naturally enriched and fortified when it is eaten together with a stronger amino acid from another food.

1. Protein requirement per day

2. Protein requirement per day

3.Protein requirement per day

4.Protein requirement per day

5.Protein requirement per day


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