What are 6 basic food groups

What are 6 basic food groups

What are 6 basic food groups

  1. Dairy
  2. Fruits and vegetables
  3. Protein
  4. Grains
  5. Oil and fats
  6. Ultra Crap

What are 6 basic food groups

Dairy foods

This group contains everything from milk to cheese to yogurt to cream. Dairy products are very nutrient dense. The food in the dairy group is high in vitamins A and D, riboflavin, calcium, phosphorous, fats, and protein. While they contain valuable nutrients (protein, vitamins, and minerals) dairy product can also be high in undesirables (saturated fat and simple sugar). Low fat dairy products are available but there is good reason to limit their intake.

Milk cheese, yogurt and other dairy products should make up the third largest protein on your plate-choose low-fat dairy products to avoid too high an intake of fat. Milk and dairy foods supply our bodies with protein, calcium and zinc, and vitamins B12, B2, A, D.

Fruits and vegetables

Nothing fancy here. Most vegetables consist of the roots, stalks, and leaves of the plant. Fruits, on the other hand, is the fleshy, pulpy part of the plant that surrounds the seeds. They loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and good healthy carbohydrates. Your goal is to eat anywhere from 4 to 6 service per day. These should make up the next biggest portion on your plate. Fruits and vegetables are low in fat, high in dietary fiber and rich in vitamins, minerals and other plant chemicals which are believed to play an important part in preventing many common illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer.


This group can considered the exercise group, because it contains all the high protein foods such as meat, poultry, egg, fish, beans, and nuts, besides being high in protein. Sources in this group tend to be high in iron and B Vitamins.

Protein foods- lean meat, poultry, fish, lentils, pulses, eggs, soya products, nuts and seeds -should make up the fourth largest protein on your plate, many of these foods are also sources of B Vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc.


This group contains whole grain, breads, flour, pasta, cornmeal, oatmeal, and all the other grain products. The group is high in such nutrients as B vitamins, iron, fiber, and complex carbohydrates.

This group of starchy carbohydrates foods is the major source of energy in the diet and should make up the biggest portion on your plate. The group includes wholegrain cereals, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and yams. All the foods in this group are low in fat and high in starchy carbohydrates and dietary fiber.

Oil and fats

This group contain all the edible animal and plant oil, butter, margarine, honey, and fats. Like the diary group, this group is a mixed bag. While the good fats are vital for optimum health. The saturated fats and especially trans fats should avoid if possible. Even the good fats can pack fat around your waist if consumed in excess.

Foods containing fats and refined carbohydrate such as sugar and honey should take up the least space on the plate. Such foods include margarine, butter cooking oils, oil-based dressings, ice cream, pastries, biscuits, confectionery and soft drinks, some fat is essential in the diet but too much can lead to heart disease and obesity. Sugars provide calories yet very few nutrients, and too much sugar can result in weight gain and too decay.

Ultra Crap

While you need to consume foods from all the other group to maintain good health, items from this group should be kept to a minimum or eliminated altogether. The ultra-Crap group contains such villains as candy bars, potato chips, refined sugar, and flour, processed meat, donuts, cakes, pastries, soft drinks, and deep fried anything. These foods are all considered low-density because they contain a low percentage of good nutrients in relation to their high calorie content. Also included in this group is alcohol. If you want a slim and healthy body, you should avoid these foods entirely.

What is good calorie and bad calorie

There is nothing difficult to follow the healthy diet only thing is you take in slightly more quality calories. All calories are not created equal. Suppose your body requires 2000 calories per day to carry out your normal day to day function with exercise. If you take entire day potato chips, candy bars, other junk food then you will get enough calories for your body you need for the day. If you do so majority of calories will be deposited around your waist and internal organs as fat. Junk food is composed of what nutritionist call empty calories. These foods simply do not provide the vital nutrients needed to have good health.

Growing up with people who inhale junk food and fried foods, who slather butter, heavy sauces and mayonnaise on any good food choice, makes it more likely that you will follow in their fatty footsteps. Some of the most important components for healthy body include exercise, healthy and balanced diet, and attitude. And the most important component of all is food. You can do exercise as much as you can to keep your body healthy, but you would not get good result if you don’t consume the right nutrients.

The food Pyramid

  1. Fat, oil and refined sugars should be eaten in very small quantities
  2. About 30% of your diet should come from the protein and healthy fats group. At least one meal a day should contain meat, fish or alternatives such as pulses, nuts, tofu, textured vegetable protein ( TVP), beans and pulses. You should also include 3 – 4 servings of dairy produce a day.
  3. About 30 % of your diet should be made up of fruit and vegetables.
  4. About 40% of your diet should be made up of breads, cereals and pasta.

Top tips for healthy eating

Healthy eating does not mean cutting out treats completely, it simply means achieving the correct balance in your diet, being aware of the food that you eat and following a few simple guidelines.

  1. Eat a variety of foods
  2. Maintain a healthy weight
  3. Always refuse second helping if you need to watch your weight
  4. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and foods rich in starch and fiber
  5. Choose foods that are low in fat
  6. Restrict your use of salt and sugar in cooking and at table.
  7. Eat small meals and healthy snacks throughout the day rather than eating two or three large meals
  8. Eat only when you are hungry, rather than for the sake of it
  9. Never go food shopping when you are hungry
  10. Don’t buy the foods you find hard to resist. That way there will be no temptation in the cupboards at home
  11. Drink alcohol only in moderation.

1. What are 6 basic food groups

2. What are 6 basic food groups

3. What are 6 basic food groups

4. What are 6 basic food groups

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