8 refined foods to avoid

8 refined foods to avoid

8 refined foods to avoid

8 refined foods to avoid

(1) White sugar

(2) White rice

(3) White bread

(4) Noodle

(5) Soft drink & sports drinks

(6) Cake

(7) Packed fruit juice

(8) Packed chips and junk food

List of alternate food you can take

Sl. No.Refined Bad foodOriginal good food
1White sugar  Jaggery powder
2White riceBrown rice
3White breadWhole wheat / whole grain flour bread/brown bread
4Soft drink and sports drinkWater
7Packed fruits juiceHomemade fruits juice –(Don’t remove carbohydrates )
8Packed chips

What you should do

If you want to give your diet a real boost and want to keep your body weight healthy and fit, avoid the white sugar, white rice, white bread, Noodle, soft drinks, sports drinks, packed fruits juice, cake, packed chips and junk food as much as possible. It is not enough to simply aim at lowering fat in the diet. Refined sugars and carbohydrates are a worse obstacle and need to be eliminated from your menu. So if you are unable to reduce your fat try dropping out the white and refined food and watch the difference. So forget anything made with white flour, largely without nutritive value and high on the glycemic index scale, this stuff is likely to add to your waistline. When grabbing bread, cereal, rice or pasta, pick whole -grain versions every time. Whole grains are low in fat and high in fiber and complex carbohydrates -they convert to long term energy.

What happed in your body if you eat refined foods?

These food items are converted to glucose at a rapid rate. In other words, they have a high glycaemic index. This rapid conversion in turn causes the body to release large amounts of insulin to handle the wave of glucose. Over time this often-repeated process causes the body to start to respond slowly. Insulin promotes the formation of fat, technically known as lipogenesis. While you might be targeting dietary fat, body fat is sneaking in the backdoor via refined carbohydrates.

What is refined food?

Refined carbohydrates and sugars (refined are a polite way of saying leached, bleached and chemically destroyed). Particularly the white variety hurts the body in more ways than one. One problem is that these types of foods have had the fibre removed. A carbohydrate source lacking fibre becomes an insulin bomb. An unnatural creation that makes the body highly receptive to fat storage.

Unfortunately most foods today have had most of their fibre and other nutrients removed. The food item in its natural state is good for the body, but once the nutrients are removed the product becomes basically valueless for health purposes. The original food item might have been highly nutritious, but the processed end result is not. Whole wheat flour is good but white flour (Mayda) is not. Brown rice is a good food choice but refined white rice is not.

Generally when a food item is artificially white it has had all of the good nutrients removed through various refining process. Rice is polished and flour is degeminated and bleached. The end result is food that is very high on the glycaemic index. White bread is higher glycaemic index rating than pure sugar. Because all fibre and nutrients have been removed. Over the past century artificial, sugary, starchy items that offer no nutrition have replaced good healthy food. That is why our society is becoming ever more obese.

Soft drink and packed fruit juice

Another area of concern is what we drink. Soft drinks and most fruits drinks have refined concentrated sweeteners added in abundance. Look at the label almost any juice or fruit drink and you will find sweetener has been added. Look at the level of almost any juice or fruits drink and you will find that corn syrup or a similar sweetener has been added. White sugar and its cousins such as corn sweetener blast blood sugar levels into the stratosphere.

To make matters worse, these drinks typically contain no fiber, protein, fat, or any other metabolic brake. If you drink any of these items in a habitual basis it should be no surprise, why you struggle with body fat. No one are not immune from such problem. if your diet consist of egg and protein drinks mixed in fruits juice, you may also be tiptoeing the line to a low fiber, high insulin problem. This is particularly true if you tend to cheat on your diet a little too frequently.

Cake & Bread

Cake also made by all refined ingredients so it’s not a healthy food. Have a slice of cake at the office party that is one of the worst possible choice you can make as white cake with frosting ranks at the very top of carbohydrates density chart ( almost pure refined carbohydrates and sugar and a carbohydrates density rating of 74 ). Another frequent culprit in the diet is bread. Some white bread is artificially coloured brown but its originally white bread so check the label of every bread before purchase. The key to the type of bread you are looking at is not in the color, but in the ingredients. Bread label should be 100% whole grain bread or whole wheat flour.

If you know how to read the package, picking the most nutritious bread isn’t hard. Make sure the first ingredients contains the word whole -either whole wheat or another whole grain. There is huge difference in 100 % whole grain and only grain that is quantity of fiber available in the food. The 100% whole grain have 5 times more fiber than only grain food.

Why company do manufacturing refined food

One of the main reasons is to extend the product life. The concern of the food industry is not your health but their bottom line, which is increased when a product can stay on the self for longer period of time. The refining process however yields a food item that is virtually worthless.

1. 8 refined foods to avoid

2. 8 refined foods to avoid

3. 8 refined foods to avoid


Fitness and Health Consultant ,

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