Top 5 Benefits of stretching exercise

Top 5 Benefits of stretching exercise

Top 5 Benefits of stretching exercise

Top 5 Benefits of stretching exercise

Stretching is one of the most basic physical acts. Every one, from a baby to a senior citizen, can enjoy a good stretch. It feels good while we are doing it and we feel more refreshed afterward. Unfortunately, stretching is probably the most neglected component in health and fitness. During exercise you contract, or shorten, your muscles. This constant shortening causes the muscles to become very tight. Just take a moment and clench your fist. This is similar to what happens to the contracted muscle. It becomes tight and rigid, feeling cramped and heavy. So why do so many of us skip stretching? Oh may be we think we are too busy, or we just don’t consider it important

(1) Decreased risk of injury

A regular stretching program helps increase the length of muscle and tendons. And this is one of the top 5 benefits of stretching exercise. This is not only reduces muscle tension. But also increases their overall contractile range. That is why in turn makes them less likely to injury. Also by increasing the muscles’ contractile range. And in other words the range of motion around a joint. And we increase the distance our limbs. That can move before muscle or tendon damage occurs. For example, the muscles and tendons in the back of our thighs are put under great stress when we kick a soccer ball. It only makes sense that the more flexible and pliable those muscles are. And the future our leg can travel forward. And this way decreasing the chance of injury. Also its really nice.

(2) Increase muscle and exercising ability

There is a myth stretching too much will decrease joint stability and muscle power. But this is absolutely untrue. By increasing muscle and tendon length. You are increasing the distance over which the muscles are able to contract. And this results in a potential increase to the muscles’ strength and power . This way you will have actually increased your exercising ability. Also balancing ability, and muscle control. And its really nice.

(3) Reduce muscle soreness

Before long you will start experiencing. Tightness and soreness in your muscles the day after your exercise. And if you have not already. Walking up a set of stairs the day after leg training may be very painful indeed. That is usually referred to as post-exercise muscle soreness. This discomfort is the result of micro tears. And minute tears within the muscle fibers . Also a build up of metabolic waste products. And particularly lactic acid. This way Stretching helps to reduce this soreness by lengthening the individual muscle fibers. And increasing blood and nutrient delivery to the muscles. Also removing waste products. This is one of the best benefits of stretching. And its really nice. And this is for everyone.

(4) Reduce fatigue

Muscle fatigue is a major problem experienced by those who exercise regularly. And it results in a decrease in both physical and mental performance. But increased flexibility through stretching. That can help reduce the effects of fatigue. Which is by taking pressure off the muscles being exercise. And the working muscles ( called agonists ) do not have to exert as much force against the opposing muscles. And each movement of the working muscles actually takes less effort. Also you can reduce. Also its really nice. And this is for everyone.

(5) Mentally relaxing and rewarding

With all the attention on the physical components of exercise. But we often neglect the mental components. Also people who regularly stretch are more likely to feel good about themselves. And this leads to a boost in self-confidence. Also which in turn helps enhance physical performance. And motivate the individual to participate in regular exercise. That is why stretching is the best way to get mental relaxing. And its really great feeling. Also its really nice. And this is for everyone.

(6) When to stretch?


Stretching before a workout helps prepare the muscles for the work to follow. It loosens the muscles and increase the blood flow to the area, allowing for more efficient nutrient and oxygen delivery. Stretching also helps remove lactic acid -one of the primary causes of post workout soreness. Just remember that its not a good idea to engage in rigorous stretching the moment you walk in the gym/ground. Cold muscles do not stretch well. Do a light warm up first and then proceed to your stretches.


The primary benefits of stretching during a exercise is that it saves you time. While you are taking your minutes or so rest between exercises, add in a stretch for that particular muscle group. Don’t worry about it affecting your training, as stretching takes tittle energy to perform. It will keep the muscles limber and help remove lactic acid and deliver nutrients. And you will save 10 to 15 minutes at the end of your workout.


Most people stretch at the end of their exercise because the muscles are fully warmed up and endure more vigorous stretching. The muscles will also be full of lactic acid and other metabolic wastes that must be removed. Stretching greatly facilitates this removal process. Also stretching is relaxing and calming, making it an ideal way to finish off a good exercise.

Type of stretching

Passive stretching

Passive stretching is often referred to as static stretching. A passive stretch is the one in which you hold the stretched position for 15 to 30 seconds. Slow relaxed stretching can relieve spasms in muscles that are healing after an injury. It also relaxes your body after an exercise. You should do the static stretching until after your exercise. Your muscle will be fully warmed up and it will be easier to hold the positions.

Isometric stretching

Isometric stretching is a type of passive stretching that involve using the resistance of other muscle groups, a partner or a stationary object. The stretching positions are held for a much longer time than with passive stretching because the ultimate aim is to improve overall flexibility and strength.

Ballistic stretching

Ballistic stretching uses the weight and momentum of a moving body to force the muscle beyond its normal range of motion. Essentially you are bouncing into stretched position. , using the stretches muscles as springs that pull you out of the stretch position. This type of stretching is for specific exercise and not for common exercise.

Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching involves gradually increasing the distance and speed of a muscle’s range of motion. And Dynamic stretching consist of controlled movements that take you to the very limits of your range of motion.

1. Top 5 Benefits of stretching exercise

2. Top 5 Benefits of stretching exercise

3. Top 5 Benefits of stretching exercise


Fitness and Health Consultant ,

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