Why oatmeal & fruits are one of the best breakfast

Why oatmeal & fruits are one of the best breakfast

Why oatmeal & fruits are one of the best breakfast

Why oatmeal & fruits are one of the best breakfast

Oatmeal is very healthy for breakfast because it contain almost all of the require nutrition for our body.

There are so many different type of dishes available to make by oatmeal. But try to make it without oil.

A. List of nutritional information of oat meals

Sl. No.Nutrient
2Good fat
3Bad Fat

Oat meals contain Protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fat everything what we need at morning. That is why oat meal is one of the best breakfast.

Countless studies have shown that a daily helping of oats is heart protective because the soluble fibre in oats sticks to bad cholesterol and removes it from the body, thereby preventing it from clogging arteries.

Oats are a particularly good food at the start of the day because their fibre content means that sugars are released slowly into the bloodstream, providing energy without upsetting blood sugar levels.

In addition, eating oats reduces the risk of cancer because of the presence of a trace minerals in oats called selenium, plant hormones called lignans and the insoluble fibre they contain. Selenium is linked with reduced risk of bowel and prostate cancers, lignans account for a lowered risk of hormone related cancers, and the insoluble fibre attacks certain bile acids, making them less toxic and potentially carcinogenic. Selenium may help ward off depression.

Storing and serving

Oats will keep for a couple of months in an airtight container. Enjoy them raw in muesli or cooked in porridge. They make an ideal coating for fried fish or a crumble topping, or use them for baking muesli bars, flapjacks or biscuits.


B. Fruits one of the best food for breakfast

Most of the fruits contain the below nutrition

Sl. No.Contain

Most of the fruits having Protein, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, fiber so what we need in our body all are available in fruits so any type of fruits is very healthy for breakfast.

Eating fruits at morning help maintaining a healthy heart , control blood pressure and promote healthy bones. Because fruits are full of the vital antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamins which boost the immune system and protect against heart disease and some cancers. The vitamins in fruits regulate the nervous system and helps promote healthy skin, and help reduce symptoms of premenstrual syndrome ( PMS). anxiety and insomnia.

Their high fiber content makes a source of slow release energy, that are great for breakfast or as a snacks, and can be eaten before and after exercise.

C. Egg is one of the best protein for breakfast

Eating high cholesterol foods like eggs was once thought to raise cholesterol levels in the body. it is now known that it is the food that are high in saturated fat -meats, pastry and high -fat cheese, for example – rather than dietary cholesterol that raise blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart attacks indeed, eating eggs may offer some protection against heart disease, breast cancer and eye problems.

One study suggest that eating an egg each day may give teenage girls addition protection against breast cancer in later life, thanks to the presence to the amino acids, B Vitamins, vitamins A, D and E, iodin, Selenium, phosphorus and two vision protecting carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Pregnant and nursing women, young children and the elderly should avoid eating lightly cooked or raw eggs ( as in homemade mayonnaise and uncooked desserts like mousses ) because of the risk of food poisoning from salmonella. Pasteurized eggs are the safest option for this group, as pasteurizing kills the bacteria.

Storing and serving

Eat eggs before their use by date. Salmonella bacteria multiply with age so the fresher the egg the better. An excellent source of protein, eggs are ideal for any meal.

Why breakfast is very important

Breakfast is not just another meal. It is the most important meal in the day. It’s the first meal to break the fast.

There is almost 12 hours gap between your dinner and morning wake up. Your body is required for nutrients. This would be an ideal time to have some protein mixed with some Carbohydrates. Once you wake up, your brain needs fuel. And your brain burns almost nothing but carbohydrates as a fuel source. (It also burns a little amount of fat.) if you don’t get some carbohydrates into your system first thing, you run the risk of forcing your body to convert the amino acids from your muscle /fat to carbohydrates for use as a fuel source.

If you are planning to lose your weight, then you can do 1 hour’s exercise in early morning before having breakfast because your body fat can melt to supply fuel for your body need.

If you are not planning to lose your weight, then don’t miss your breakfast at any cost. Since breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you make a special effort to get some high-class nutrients into your system.

What should you eat in breakfast?

Protein and carbohydrate must be there in your breakfast.

List of food that you can have as breakfast

Sl. No.ItemContain
1EggsProtein-(Research accepted egg as one of nature’s perfect foods that won’t increase your risk of cardiovascular dieses. (If you have high cholesterol then avoid eating too many yolks.)  
2Fish grilledProtein and good fat
4Any type of fruitsCarbohydrates, vitamin, minerals
5NutsYou can keep it in water for 8 hours before eating
6Whole grain bread (Chapati)Complex carbohydrates
7Yogurt with fruitsProtein and carbohydrates
8Oatmeal with fruitsProtein and carbohydrates

What should You avoid in breakfast?

  • High fat butter
  • Sugar loaded jam.
  • Oil and oily food.
  • Refined or process food

1 Why oatmeal & fruits are one of the best breakfast

2.Why oatmeal & fruits are one of the best breakfast

3. Why oatmeal & fruits are one of the best breakfast


Fitness and Health Consultant ,

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